I am on my church’s search committee for a new minister. After we narrow down our list of candidates to four or five, we are flying them out to San Francisco and interviewing them on separate weekends.

Part of the committee’s job, of course, is to get them to fall in love with The City.  To do this, we are collecting San Francisco items to remind them of their stay.  It’s a goodie bag of mementos — it’s not a bribe.  Really.

One of the items we decided to include the gift bag is a DVD of a movie made in — or featuring — San Francisco.

We’ve gotten suggestions of Mrs. Doubtfire  and Foul Play.  Doubtfire sounds common to me.  They may already own it, especially if they have children. Foul Play has an ominous tone, no?

Your suggestions of SF-based movies designed to woo someone to the city are appreciated!