I had to post a bulletin this morning because of an unintentional event:
Day 28 – Puppy Progress Bulletin!
Zenith decided that she couldn’t wait for breakfast in the kitchen, she wanted to be closer to MUNI. So, I put Zenith in the whelping box and brought a bowl of the puppy food she’s been eating to her.MUNI smelled the food and waddled over to the bowl. The two of them ate together for a while — there are no good pictures because of the low lights and all you see in the shots are back of heads, but it happened. Then Zenith backed off and MUNI did some more nibbling.
Later MUNI drank a bit from mom and zonked out after her heavy breakfast.
Day 28 — MUNI’s first solid food day.
The bulletin was posted with these two photos (and, don’t forget, you can always click on a photo a couple times for bigger and bigger versions!).
MUNI decided that she didn’t want to eat more solid food later that day, but it was a start!
We had a happy day, taking BART to Berkeley Rep for The Dolls House, Part 2. All the girls were good the four+ hours we were out of the house… the longest both of us have been gone since the puppies arrived.
That evening we had an evening with Tony. He became the first non-Dad, non-vet to pet her!
Of course, Geoffrey did a great job soothing MUNI (and Zenith) about the traumatic new experience, called “meeting people”.
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