Shortly after we arrived home from Oregon Tuesday we smelled smoke and saw clouds of it billowing over a neighbor’s house a few backyards over.

After a moments hesitation over which of our many phones was the closest to grab and dial 9-1-1, I listened to one round of “we’re sorry we’re busy, please do not hang up” before describing the situation to the answering dispatcher.  Geoff heard fire engines arriving and left to see what was going on.

After a quick conversation with the eventual live dispatcher, I grabbed my camera. 

It looks grim, eh?

I love melodrama in real life as much as anyone.

This firefighter surely was intent on urgent work.

What?  You didn’t hear of the great Noe Valley Inferno of 2006?

Okay.  Here’s a hint.  A broader view of the what the firefighters in the original picture were looking at…

Fortunately, they’re not gazing at injured people at a home fire.  Rather, it was an smoky MUNI truck engine.

Apparently a disabled 24 bus was being pushed back to the maintenance barn when the pushing truck caught fire.  The smoke from the oily engine fire had gotten caught in the wind and come up over our neighbor’s home, making it appear that the tinderbox wood-frame house was burning.
