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Day 44 — Elect Me Your Playtoy

Today MUNI decided that she could come out of the whelping box to play. In fact, why did we ever stay in that limited space?

Day 44 -- Strutting Our Stuff in the Outside World

Day 44 — Strutting Our Stuff in the Outside World.
Please click on this picture or any in the blog for larger versions!
Click on the first enlargement to get an even bigger one!

She still enjoyed chewing the bedding in the whelping box, of course.

Day 44 -- We are a Play Machine. Seriously. Kicking it up a notch today!

Day 44 — We are a Play Machine. Seriously. Kicking it up a notch today!

Before dinner MUNI wanted to establish her territory, even as she invaded the rest of the kitchen.

Day 44 - Woof!

Day 44 – Woof!

Potential invaders of the whelping box were dealt with firmly!

Day 44 -- MUNI Protects Her Turf!

Day 44 — MUNI Protects Her Turf!

Geoffrey and the adult girls went off to start watching the election returns. Galen stayed at the computer to avoid the early reports which didn’t sound so good. But, after setting up Election Central in the TV room (formally the puppy room), the Geoffrey served the pack dinner.

MUNI ate some solid food. But, damn! Those toys are so distracting!

Day 44 - Food? No. PLAY!

Day 44 – Food? No. PLAY!

Day 44 -- All the Toys AND Food!

Day 44 — All the Toys AND Food!

Day 44 -- Who's My Next Playmate?

Day 44 — Who’s My Next Playmate?

Don’t forget to click on any picture for a bigger version!
Day 44 -- Who is Tired?

Day 44 — Who is Tired?

After doggy dinner, human food was prepared and eaten in front of the television as increasingly better news came in. All of us wound up on the TV room bed mixing Netflix and Election Fix.

By |2018-11-17T11:03:48-08:00November 6, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 43 — We’ve Been Shot!

MUNI’s six-week birthday celebration was punctuated by a visit from our vet!

Besides being examined head to toe and being weighed (3 pounds, 4.2 ounces), MUNI discovered by dogs don’t always have a good time when they see the vet.

MUNI received her first in a series (of 6???) puppy shots. Today was the just the basic anti-the-most-common-and-nasty illness shots: parvo for sure! She complained some, but, well, she is a puppy.

We were warned by the doctor that MUNI would likely run a fever and could be lethargic. Lethargic didn’t happen!  I don’t know about the fever, but MUNI kept to her new schedule of hard play followed by hard crashing.

We think it was an okay day for MUNI, despite the vaccinations!

By |2018-11-11T16:37:19-08:00November 5, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 42 — The Play Continues

Now that MUNI is on the way to being a play machine, we unwrapped the rope delivered a couple days ago from Petco.

MUNI pretty quickly understood its purpose and approved.

Aunt Apex, on the other hand, wanted everyone to know that she was the Original play machine. All toys should be hers first, she says.

Day 42 - Introducing a New Toy to MUNI.. But Apex Wants It!

Day 42 – Introducing a New Toy to MUNI.. But Apex Wants It!

We are struggling to teach Apex and the other adults that toys that are in the whelping box can be played with, but NOT removed from the whelping box. Apex wants to take the teething ring, plastic bone, and now the rope into the Outback where she can dispose of them at her leisure.

Of course, the play session and our attempts at training the adults are great fun for us all. We think that even Apex has avoided having her feelings hurt when we make her share one end of the rope with MUNI!

No special visitors today. Just honorary pack member Tony who came by for supper. So, it was a quiet, but playful, day.

By |2018-11-11T16:31:25-08:00November 4, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 41 — MUNI Decides to Play

It’s the weekend, and MUNI woke up in the mood to play. She’s been playful and finger gnawing at times, but never completely in play mode. Until today!

The stimulus might have been the late 11:30 am weigh in (3# 3.7 oz) on the kitchen floor. She’s been at that location before, but she’s not really comfortable out of the whelping box.

Day 41 -- Puppy on the Floor

Day 41 — Puppy on the Floor

Apparently, something got her juices going! Of course, as soon as she could get away, she climbed (or was helped, I cannot remember) back into the safety of the whelping box. Toys were at the ready… and MUNI was interested!

Day 41 -- Is She Really Going to Come Out?

Day 41 — Is She Really Going to Come Out or Just Play by Herself?

She took a break from the late morning (11:40) play session above, napped, and came roaring back ready to play ball a couple hours later!

Day 41 - Hey, Apex! How do you play Ball?

Day 41 – I Challenge You All!  Grrr!!!

The ball playing was really part of the show for her afternoon guest. Stewart received Mom’s inspection and was put on the approved list of MUNI holders.

Day 41 - Zenith Makes Sure MUNI is being Propertly Socialized

Day 41 – Zenith Makes Sure MUNI is being Properly Socialized

The play and attention were exhausting. The whole pack participated and the whole pack collapsed in exhaustion together in a happy dog pile.

Day 41 - The Pack is Exhausted after Today's Visit

Day 41 – The Pack is Exhausted after Today’s Visit

Apex escaped being pictured. She was probably in the back making Geoffrey throw the ball!


By |2018-11-11T16:07:05-08:00November 3, 2018|dachshunds|1 Comment

Day 40 — It’s a Blur

We’re still not using a flash for puppy pictures and MUNI has been moving too quickly for our low-light photos!  Here she is saying goodnight to Geoffrey. Sorry about the blur!

Day 40 -- A Blurry Kiss

Day 40 — A Blurry Kiss

Today concluded a busy work week for the humans. MUNI meanwhile pretty much kept her quiet growing going. She was 3 pounds 2.2 ounces this morning. She’s still mainly noshing on mother, despite our chronic offers of something from a can! Zenith, meanwhile, continues to love the wet canned puppy food we are allowing her while she’s nursing.

By |2018-11-07T12:41:08-08:00November 2, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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