About Galen

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So far Galen has created 1094 blog entries.

Day 29 — Feeling Secure

MUNI is getting used to being manhandled, and seems to take it in stride. The start of her fifth week was happily boring.

MUNI and Galen, face to face

Day 29 — Security

She was up to 40 oz at 7:55 this morning. Still growing a bit over an ounce a day!

We brought her into the brighter kitchen for the day’s glamour shots.

Day 29 -- An Adult-Sized Yawn

Day 29 — An Adult-Sized Yawn

Good girl!

By |2018-10-27T12:35:18-07:00October 22, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 28 — A Taste of Food and Friends

I had to post a bulletin this morning because of an unintentional event:

Day 28 – Puppy Progress Bulletin!
Zenith decided that she couldn’t wait for breakfast in the kitchen, she wanted to be closer to MUNI. So, I put Zenith in the whelping box and brought a bowl of the puppy food she’s been eating to her.

MUNI smelled the food and waddled over to the bowl. The two of them ate together for a while — there are no good pictures because of the low lights and all you see in the shots are back of heads, but it happened. Then Zenith backed off and MUNI did some more nibbling.

Later MUNI drank a bit from mom and zonked out after her heavy breakfast.

Day 28 — MUNI’s first solid food day.

The bulletin was posted with these two photos (and, don’t forget, you can always click on a photo a couple times for bigger and bigger versions!).

Day 28 -- Solid Food!

Day 28 — Solid Food!

Day 28 -- Zenith and MUNI eat together

Day 28 — Zenith and MUNI eat together

MUNI decided that she didn’t want to eat more solid food later that day, but it was a start!

We had a happy day, taking BART to Berkeley Rep for The Dolls House, Part 2.  All the girls were good the four+ hours we were out of the house… the longest both of us have been gone since the puppies arrived.

That evening we had an evening with Tony. He became the first non-Dad, non-vet to pet her!

Geoffrey holds MUNI for Tony to Pet

Day 28 — A Visitor

Of course, Geoffrey did a great job soothing MUNI (and Zenith) about the traumatic new experience, called “meeting people”.

Day 28 -- MUNI in Dad Geoffrey's Arms

Day 28 — In Dad’s Arms

By |2018-10-24T19:18:50-07:00October 21, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

The 2018 Oregon Shakespeare Festival Season Rankings

The Ranking of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival 2018 Season by Ozdachs the Elder

Three-Way Tie for Best Show of 2018, in alphabetical order:

  1. Manahatta 
  2. Othello 
  3. Henry V 
  4. The Book of Will 
  5. Love’s Labor’s Lost 
  6. The Way the Mountain Moved 
  7. Sense and Sensibility

Not seen, due to smoke cancelation, Romeo and Juliet.

The first four shows are five-star, must-see events. Almost everyone in our group agreed.

#5, Othello, was universally loved by those of us who saw it early in the season. The reviews from mid-season on were mixed. I worry that the cast changed its performance along the way.

#6, Henry V is a good show, worth seeing.

Nos. 7 & 8 are fun nights out. Go see them!

The bottom of the list are both turn-your-tickets-back-in-and-save-yourself bad.

At least according to Ozdachs the Elder.

By |2018-10-21T12:07:33-07:00October 21, 2018|osf, plays|0 Comments

Love’s Labor’s Lost at Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Ashland, Oregon
at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Love’s Labor’s Lost

by William Shakespeare
directed by Amanda Dehnert

After I wrote my delayed review of Manahatta last month I was ready to post my season ratings for the excellent 2018 OSF season. I lined up all my reviews, added in the Romeo and Juliet we didn’t see because of smoke, and set about to rank the plays.

I got to 10. But, there were 11 productions this year. I initially thought I mistagged a review in the blog, so I searched though my posts.  Nope. Only 9 plays plus R&J.

I went to the OSF site and looked over the season’s production.


I completely left out — and had forgotten about — Love’s Labor’s Lost.

Love's Labor's Lost ensemble from the 2018 Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Photo by Jenny Graham.

Once I saw the production’s name, I remembered that it was a fun evening. Lots of music. Accessible. Made sense.

And, apparently, completely forgettable as a theater piece.

Love's Labor's Lost singer from Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Jennie Greenberry, Royer Bockus, Alex Magni.
Photo by Jenny Graham.

OSF did an excellent job entertaining the audience with LLL. The characters were clear and there were moments of satisfying singing and frolicking.

This production treats Shakespeare’s story as a silly plot which can be used to showcase the comedic and musical talent of the cast. The very skilled OSF crew does an excellent job amusing the audience. LLL was innovative, sharp, and completely satisfying.

I can remember the antics and the music. I enjoyed them thoroughly. I even recall much of the show, especially when I look at the OSF publicity shots online.

Daniel Ostling’s set in the Elizabethan theater was engaging, simple-looking, and intricate. It helped the characters strut their stuff and touch the audience.

The music composed by Andre J. Pluess (also the sound designer) and Amanda Dehnert (also the director) enriched the experience and flawlessly fit into the flow of the festivities.

Acting and crafts deserve applause and thanks!

Was OSF right in treating LLL as vehicle for pure pleasure? Probably.

Will I remember the show as a life-changing work of art? Definitely not.

Play rating:
Play Rating 3 out of 5 Syntaxes

By |2018-10-21T10:43:40-07:00October 21, 2018|osf, plays|0 Comments

Day 27 — MUNI Meets Her Grandmother and Aunt!

I came back home from the gym this morning, and Geoffrey announced that he’d introduced MUNI to Aunt Apex in the whelping box. The meeting went well.

When he brought Apex into the TV room and approached the box, Geoffrey said that Zenith was in the box with MUNI, wagging her tail in greeting. Apex sniffed and met MUNI. They seemed to get along. Geoffrey reported that he removed Apex only when she started digging at the towels trying to rearrange the decor.

Later I was invited in to witness MUNI’s meeting with her grandmother.

SeQueL and MUNI meet meet in the whelping box

Day 27 — SeQueL and MUNI meet

SeQuel was eager to come into the TV room, as the adults all have been since MUNI arrived. Today all three girls in the room were well behaved. SeQueL and MUNI sniffed each other. Zenith moved away from the pair and accepted pets from Geoffrey.

MUNI looked interested in seeing if there was any food available from SeQueL. SeQueL for her part did mom cleaning of the puppy and eventually got bored and moved away.  Happily friendly and low key.

SeQueL and MUNI check each other out in the whelping box

Day 27 — SeQueL and MUNI check each other out

We are a bit puzzled about how to introduce Paris to MUNI. Paris, our blind girl, has stood at the gate and expressed interest in going inside for weeks. But, we don’t know how she’ll react to a squirmy puppy she cannot see. So, we’re cautiously keeping her away from MUNI for the moment.

MUNI is still crawling, not walking, but she can build up momentum as she lurches around the whelping box.

After the meeting with SeQueL, I brought in a tiny plate of watered down wet puppy food to see if MUNI would be interested. She walked toward the food, and into a bit. Seemed to taste it but decided it wasn’t for her yet.

Laster, at dinner time, Zenith was given her food to finish in the whelping box. (I don’t think I mentioned that Zenith started getting finicky about eating her food with the pack. This morning and again at dinner Zenith stopped eating in the kitchen. However, when I moved her and her bowl of food to the TV room she finished her food — and, at dinner, asked and gobbled down another portion. ) While Zenith was chowing down on the wet food, MUNI came from another part of the box to investigate the food smells. She is interested, but just not quite ready.

We are sensiting a possible dilemma. Zenith is increasingly comfortable leaving MUNI in the whelping box. MUNI on the other hand, is now aware when she’s alone. And, she doesn’t like it! This wouldn’t be problem if MUNI wasn’t an only child, but… she is!

Today was another milestone day! MUNI met her blood relatives!

By |2018-10-20T19:33:30-07:00October 20, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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