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Day 92 — Christmas Eve

The girls continue to be uncomfortable with the disruption of additional beings in the house. Zenith is quick to launch into a major alert whenever she hears any movement from non-Ozdachs, and the activity level remains high.

Even Aurora seems to need recharging more often… like in this picture!

Aurora yawning in Geoffrey's lap

The humans spent the morning going to the Cliff House for breakfast and then collecting turkey and desert from Noe Valley stores.

Galen then made his cranberry sauce and did other pre-Christmas preparations before the humans went to the candlelight service.

Tony the Heathen avoided the church service and gave the pack dinner. Ric, Geoff, and Galen came home after the service, petted the pack, and then all humans went to Harris’ for a holiday dinner.


By |2018-12-31T19:34:24-08:00December 24, 2018|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Day 91 – Still in an Uproar

Well, maybe not an uproar, but the Force is definitely disturbed by the non-pack canine in the house… to say nothing of dealing with his owner!

Lots of to’ing and fro’ing, with Aurora generally in the middle of the watching pack. She’s careful to have protection all around her.

All pack members were especially interested in getting reassured by their dads.

Here’s the 2:30 afternoon shot with the girls helping Geoffrey check on the last-minute package deliveries.

Geoffrey sitting at the computer with Zenith and Aurora on his lap
By |2018-12-31T10:51:44-08:00December 23, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Day 90 — A Day of Play

Twas the Saturday before Christmas and all through the house… there was activity!

The pack went off during the night when Ric took Shiloh by our bedroom door so Shiloh could use the backyard. INTRUDER ALERT!

Then when I got up Zenith went into the kitchen in front of Ric’s closed door and tried to declare an ALERT at 5:30 in the morning. That rebellion was quelled, but the tone was set for the day. Aurora was initiated in Dealing with Family!

Ric and Geoffrey went out shopping early, leaving the pack +1 with me. More whining and pacing!

Most of the day’s action was spent reassuring each dog, including the visitor.
Mid afternoon I had time tp watch an Apex/Aurora play session in the back yard. But, it was a gray day and most of the shot have motion blur — it was an active, combative play session!

This shot caught Aurora checking out the path by the lemon trees between attacks on her aunt.

Aurora in the wilds by the lemon tree.
Aurora in the Wilds

Aurora continues to run for the hide-a-pet and protection when Shiloh looks at her. But, it’s a pretty peaceful invasion… so far.

By |2018-12-30T17:06:20-08:00December 22, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 89 — Another Day, Another Shot

Today was the third puppy shot day for Aurora, the second time she received the lepto vaccine which her aunt is allergic to.

The only photos from the day come from the rest that she and her aunt had together in bed before Aurora had to go for her meds. Apex was into comfort at 8:14 while Aurora was still thinking of playing.

Aurora and Apex on top of the comforter in the bedroom.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, says Apex

Fortunately, the visit with Dr. Chase was uneventful. We waited 30 minutes after the lepto shot to make sure there was no sign of a reaction and monitored her all the way home. Apparently, Aurora takes after her dad (and maybe her mother), and isn’t allergic to the vaccine.

She did seem more subdued during the day. Dr. Chase said she might run a fever because of the vaccine, but I thought that her daytime sleepiness could have simply been caused by her overactive and over anxious hour at the vet.

In any event, Aurora’s high energy returned by dinner. All is right with the world.

Except, of course, about 8 o’clock Geoffrey’s brother arrived for Christmas with Shiloh, Aurora’s her first non-pack-member canine.

Shiloh was a perfect — well, reasonable, gentleman. He was interested in the puppy but friendly and not overly aggressive. For her part, Aurora was very curious. But, if Shiloh looked at her hard or made any move toward her, she would scream and run to the sanctuary of the hide-a-pet.

We decided to keep Aurora separated from Shiloh when we weren’t watching. At least for today.

By |2018-12-30T16:07:45-08:00December 21, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 88 – More Quality Outdoor Time!

Today is definitely a day to play outside! … and to take pictures of the puppy!

Under the tutelage of Aunt Apex, Aurora first experimented with a puppy-sized ball. She sniffed it, and was amused.

Aurora and Apex in the yard with a small ball.
Apex gives Aurora the Ball

But Aurora’s real passion remains gardening. Or, maybe it’s hunting truffles

Aurora eating into the trunk of the fallen palm tree.
Aurora Digging In

She’s focused and determined!

Aurora with a mouthful of tree

In the afternoon Aurora practiced looking composed and regal in the back doorway.

Aurora Relaxing in the Doorway
Aurora Relaxing in the Doorway

Of course, it is difficult to look too professional when you have sticks coming out of your mouth.

Aurora relaxing in the doorway with small sticks in her mouth
Relaxing with a Snack

a reminder …

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By |2018-12-30T09:53:18-08:00December 20, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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