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Day 87 — Caught Outside

With less than a week before Christmas, we all have been busy!

There was just time today to track the girls down in the way back and to snap them at play a couple times. This is the better of the shots.

Aurora and Apex with a red ball
Aurora and Apex in the Way Back

Sorry about the focus, Aurora!

By |2018-12-29T18:06:25-08:00December 19, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 86 — Let’s Go Outside!

Aurora definitely likes chewing the back yard.

Aurora Tasting the Greenery on the other Side of the Yard, by the Lemon Trees
Aurora Tasting the Greenery on the other Side of the Yard, over by the Lemon Trees

This morning she started out in the middle-back on the side of the lemon trees. She hadn’t thoroughly explored this area before, so I hovered over her to see that she didn’t discover something poisonous or particularly icky.

Fortunately, there was just the normal garden detritus which Aurora thought was yummy!

Soon Aurora returned to the way back where Apex hangs out. Both girls happily munched on stuff. Aurora had her fallen tree to explore and gnaw on and Apex enjoyed one of her many rubbery balls.

Apex in the background and Aurora in the foreground eating their toys in the back yard.
Aurora explores an old fallen tree while Apex munches her favorite ball

Aurora can focus on her exploration/play. She’s very cute when she’s captivated by the smells and tastes.

Aurora chewing a fallen palm.
Aurora in Bliss… Chewing!
By |2018-12-29T17:45:33-08:00December 18, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 85 — Monday Visitor Tries to Get Her to Go Down!

Aurora had another visitor today, even though it was a work day!

Aurora’s visitor was confident that with a little encouragement she’d decide that she could go down the stairs and not just run up them.

Aurora and Apex just inside the back door while a visitor holds a treat, trying to tempt Aurora to come down the first stair
Temping Aurora to Come Down the Stairs

He was encouraging and persistent. But, she wasn’t having it. Those steps look too tall going down!

The rest of the pack was bored by all the attention the puppy was getting when she wasn’t even doing a simple thing like walking down the stairs. Here are Apex (yawing) and Zenith (mugging) after Aurora has backed off into the hallway rather than coming down the steps.

The encouragement was warm and Aurora appreciated the attention.

Aurora being held and cuddled by her visitor
Aurora and Her Visitor Mugging for the Camera

By |2018-12-29T16:46:50-08:00December 17, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 84 — Sunday Visitors

Sunday is the traditional day to receive visitors. Aurora likes tradition!

Charles and John (right) make nice to Aurora while Geoffrey looks on
Charles and John visit Aurora

Charles noticed that Aurora was more hesitant to come up to him than she was during his initial visit. We’ve been told that puppies her age go through a shy stage, and we need to keep her meeting people so the shyness doesn’t become a character trait.

As it is, she looks dubious coming up to a visitor’s hand. We think she’d think it’d smell better if there was a treat in it!

Aurora on the kitchen floor approaching Charles' open hand.
She thinks he’d smell better if there were a treat in the hand.
By |2018-12-29T16:13:54-08:00December 16, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 83 – Kitchen Confidential, Take 2

The girls decided that they needed to improve their under-the-butcher-block look recorded in an earlier post. Geoffrey summoned me to snap the pack when they were satisfied with their pose.

All of the girls huddled in the hide-a-pet under the butcher block
Under the Butcher Block

If anyone wonders if dogs are den animals, this photograph should help them make up their mind. All four girls are squeezed into a hide-a-pet which is pushed under the butcher block in the kitchen. Comfortable, and safe from falling objects in an earthquake!

About 2:30 most of the pack was sleeping, but puppy energy kept Aurora wandering the back yard and coming up the stairs. (She can only go UP the stairs herself. Going down is too confusing and she requires a ride.)

Aurora at the top stair ready to come inside
I Want In !

Overall, we decided it was a comfortable, if very energetic day at home!

By |2018-12-29T15:34:12-08:00December 15, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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