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Day 82 — The Camera Comes Out at Night

Today was filled with more business for the humans, and the camera didn’t start recording Aurora’s adventures until the 7:45 play session and dinner. The fortunately, Aurora is still being offered lunch, so the later dinner doesn’t weaken her too much!

She played some with the pack and carefully watched Apex’s ball playing from the back door.

Aurora in the back doorway watching Apex on the landing.
Day 82 – Door Guard

Then when dinner was being prepared she showed Aunt Apex how much she appreciated the attention.

Aurora licking Apex's muzzle.
I Love My Aunt!
By |2018-12-29T15:04:57-08:00December 14, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 81 — Comfort and Joy

For a Thursday, we took a lot of mid-day photographs!

But, we had to. The girls were inspiring comfortable!

The red girls laying under the butcher block
Comfortable Ingredients
– or, as we said in our calendar pages –
Kitchen Confidential 

Of course, once the girls woke up for the morning nap, Aurora took out to the way back to sample the greens growing there.

Aurora laying in the way back, chewing a leaf with her green ball a bit further away
Chewing in the Way Back

Apex is definitely Aurora’s outdoor guide and caretaker. Zenith usually stops at the back doorstep and watches Aurora wander outside… but, just for a while. Then Zenith retreats to her comfort in the kitchen. Apex, on the other hand, guards Aurora in the back wilds and engages her in jungle play.

Apex and Aurora together in the Way Back.
I’ll be Taking my Clues from You, Aunt Apex!
By |2018-12-29T15:05:30-08:00December 13, 2018|dachshunds|1 Comment

Day 80 — She only LOOKS Cherubic

Five of us are exhausted and our patience is worn thin.

Apparently Aurora slept very, very, very well last night. During the day today she’s been in non-stop motion.

She started the day by challenging other pack members for Geoffrey’s robe while he showered.

Aurora control Geoff's robe at morning playtime

Day 80 — Starting out Feisty

She did briefly nap while I had a business conference call around 9 (thank you, Aurora). But, she she perked up and decided to taunt her pack mates and me from about 11 on.

She was especially whiny around noon, and I took that as a hint that she might be hungry. She ate 1 1/4 shots of puppy kibble in her bowl.

But, instead of being slowed down and sleepy with the full stomach, she seemed to convert the food into immediate energy. After terrorizing the other dogs, she’d bound to me and say that she had to go out right then.

Since I don’t want to discourage any housebreaking breakthroughs, I dutifully got up (about 100 times) and took her outside.

Where she enjoyed the smells and tastes in the backyard.

Aurora sniffing the jade plant before nibbling it

Day 80 — What do These Taste Like, Daddy?

This went on mostly constant until about 4. Her next to the last trip in she was all innocence and smiles.

Aurora Mugging for the camera

Day 80 — She only LOOKS Cherubic

Just don’t let her fool you. After this picture, she ran inside and peed on the bathmat… after having been outside and told to do doggie things for about 10 minutes.

Puppies are so cute!

By |2018-12-12T16:37:55-08:00December 12, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 79 — The Basics of Growing

Aurora enjoyed very much the sunny, drier weather in the backyard after the dense morning fog burned off. Not that the fog or wetness had bothered her, but apparently the damp makes things smell delicious. And taste delicious, too.

I decoded that Aurora will scamper up the back stairs, and sometimes run straight into the house, when it’s been a while since she’s eaten.

When she’s full, the stairs are more of a struggle.

Aurora struggling up the back stairs

Day 79 — Struggling to Puppy Heaven

This morning’s assault on the stairs reminded me of one of her earlier tries!  But, she made it.

The other retro habit Aurora indulged in today was deciding that she really did want lunch after all. All weekend and yesterday, she skipped the noon meal, pretty much sleeping through lunchtime.

Not today. About 1 she was fussy. I decided to see if food would help.

Yep. She gobbled down a bowl of wet puppy food and a bit of kibble. Then she could sleep!

By |2018-12-12T16:06:42-08:00December 11, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 78 — Back to Work Day

Geoffrey and I are back to work today. There was plenty of puppy energy to spur us on.

The before-gym play session was rambunctious, but Aurora settled down (eventually) on the bed with the other red dogs while I went to work out.

Refreshed, she began taunting the older dogs after the reds woke up and Geoffrey started getting ready for work. Paris usually sleeps happily on Geoffrey’s robe when he showers, but today she had to contend with demands for play!

Paris and Aurora on Geoffrey's robe

Day 78 — Morning Play Session #2

And, Aurora is getting big enough to demand attention. At 11 weeks she weighs 5 pounds, 12 ounces. She is gaining over an ounce a day still!

By |2018-12-12T14:22:54-08:00December 10, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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