Contrarian News Judgment

Michael Jackson, Mug Shot, 2003Would it be wrong to suggest that Michael’s death is not likely to be an event important in our lives? 

Iran is in insurrection. Obama is fighting seemingly everyone trying to get meaningful health care reform into a system plagued by nay-sayers. California is about to stop helping very poor people survive because its politicians won’t compromise. And on and on and on.

Michael is/was a troubled man with great musical talent which he hasn’t used since probably 50% of people alive on the planet were born.

Bread and circuses are nice. How about freedom, reform, and good public policy?

Too boring to cover, I guess.

By |2009-06-25T15:34:00-07:00June 25, 2009|philippic, Uncategorized|3 Comments


The perfect is the enemy of the good.
— Voltaire

What can I say when very intelligent people stand back and say that neither/none of the viable candidates running for President deserves their vote? 

They are very intelligent, and therefore they have already analyzed the alternatives, weighed the pluses and minuses, and are convinced of the superior rationality of their decision.

These Greens/Libertarians/unregistered folk have their killer points at the ready:

I could never vote for someone who said “x”, who voted for “y”, or won’t commit to “z”.

The candidate(s) are either too centrist, or pandering too much to the extremes.

The major parties are too conciliatory (no backbone!) or too independent (arrogant!).

These holdouts understand why other people might object to their refusal to join the herd and vote with the crowd.  But, they’re standing by their principles. 

I don’t know what to say.

Logical argument just doesn’t work.  I have walked my recalcitrant friends over many logical cliffs, only to watch them ignore gravity, not fall, and only be strengthened that they are following a moral path as they walk on air above the fray.

Their decision, despite its endless logical underpinnings, is fundamentally not one stemming from reason.  It’s emotional. It’s psychological. 

These smart people, for some non-intellectual reason, ignore or discount the nature of  community.  They shun compromise on so many fronts that they ensure their own noble isolation.

My friends will even praise representative democracy in the abstract. But they will personally endorse only a  Utopian statesman/woman who runs a benevolent dictatorship based solely on my friends’ own decisions on proper policies and programs.

My friends raise impossibly high (i.e., not ever seen in the wild) standards for would-be leaders of our country, find all contenders lacking, refuse to vote for a major candidate, and then get some payoff which is… what? 

Does it matter? 

Yes, if I want to help build a community and be served by the best possible politicians. 

Isolation, “Let the Devil take them”, “I won’t play in your game” withdrawal, even when done with humor or reasoned-sounding argument, does not improve society or our individual lives. 

Participation, compromise, and getting dirty with the other kids in the sand box are important for both individuals and for the community. 

I’ve told friends that until I run for President myself there will be no candidate that’s really morally pure enough for the office.  Just like there’s no man as perfect as I am with whom to be in a relationship.

I’m voting.  I have a fiancée who’ve I shared my life with for 17 years. I just don’t know what to tell friends who are waiting for their mythical “good enough” leader.

This post has been percolating for many months. A similar earlier philippic appeared in 2006. dr_scott‘s “I Like Freedom” and “Sectarian Warfare” were the immediate motivational sources for this post.

By |2008-08-30T18:04:00-07:00August 30, 2008|philippic, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Speaking for God

David Vitter (BBC file image)From the BBC: “Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling,” said Louisiana senator David Vitter after he was identified as associating with DC Madam Deborah Palfrey.

1. I really don’t care about the Senator’s sex life. 

2. I believe that Senator Vitter can be pretty sure of his wife’s level of forgiveness for whatever his “serious sin” was.  It’s not my business, anyway.

3. I am seriously annoyed about his — and other self-righteous conservatives’ — self-proclaimed ability to understand God’s thoughts, feelings, and desires.

What happened to the mysterious and occasionally frightening anthropomorphic God? When I was a child I perceived that even the best and most moral of people spent a good deal of time trying to divine God’s will and conform to it. They seemed to struggle with self-doubt even when they objectively were helping others and doing good.

Now there seems to be a direct line from heaven into the homes of a large number of reactionary Americans.  God regularly calls to reassure these lucky folks that He forgives their sins and smiles on their every action.  They are smugly sure of God’s approval of everything they do.  They advertise how they and God have chatted and how fulsomely God blesses their thoughts and deeds.

I think there is a warning written down somewhere about this type of hubris.  I just don’t remember where.

By |2007-07-10T08:43:00-07:00July 10, 2007|philippic, Uncategorized|1 Comment

“But, this election really won’t changing anything…”

Within this first week after the Democratic Congressional victory the bar conversations and blogs are already filling with the futility of choosing between Republicans and Democrats. With a world-weary air, folks are lamenting the Tweedle-Dee Tweedle-Dum two-party system, yearning for Real Choices. Nothing will be really different. Global warming will grow, racial and sexual orientation discrimination will remain, and power will continue to corrupt.

Oh crap. 

Enough of the assertions that both parties are basically the same and that voters have no real choices! That statement is both untrue and a too easy “don’t blame me” hand-wringing hand washing.

There is a huge difference in policy and morality between the in-power leaders of the two tribes. Neither party — or any individual, for that matter — is 100% pure. But, to suggest that there is little practical difference between Republican-control and Democratic-control of Congress is to repeat the canard propagated by the extreme hard-right strategists who cynically rely on low turnout to boost the effectiveness of their perpetually voting base.

The search for perfection is indeed the enemy of the good. The seductive, pseudo-intellectual wariness which allows the perfection seeker to continually distance themselves from commitment and pitching in is more than an enemy, it’s a a powerful evil. It’s a life-cheapening Evil worthy of Biblical note.

Bright people whose idealism, intelligence, and skill should be mobilized for change are sidetracked by this evil down self-absorbed rat holes. They focus on erudite culture, personal adventures, or TiVo’ed movies for solace in a world they feel will never improve.

Mr. or Mrs. Jaded Voted, when you find yourself saying, “But, what does it matter that the Democrats won” I want to shake you. I want to ask you what you’re doing to make sure that it does matter.  And, I am not just talking about making Congressional majorities matter.

Please stop criticizing from the cynical sidelines. Jump into the struggles of my world — I am happy to share the tussles with you. In fact I would very much appreciate your fighting along side.

By |2006-11-13T07:20:00-08:00November 13, 2006|philippic, Uncategorized|0 Comments

We Welcome Your Family to San Francisco — Now Find Your Kids

Playground SwingA friend just moved his family — including school-aged children — into San Francisco. This week on the first day of classes, when the time came to greet the two children coming home on the school bus after their initial SF school experience, things didn’t go quite right.

The school bus came, but the kids weren’t on it. The bus driver claimed absolute ignorance of the boys, aged 6 and 11. The parents’ had been fighting the vision of predators waiting for children in the big city, but that nightmare suddenly moved into the front of their minds.

One parent’s excited call to the school asking about the children was greeted with the news that the school was busy and would call them back in 5 minutes. After 15 minutes no call came about the missing children. One parent went back to answer the phone while the other went to the school. The school office was seemingly unconcerned and unhelpful. They knew the kids didn’t go on the bus, they had no idea where the kids were, and they were busy with important work.


By |2006-09-02T12:05:00-07:00September 2, 2006|philippic, Uncategorized|4 Comments
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