Recall Chesa Boudin — Yes on H
Based on my personal experience of his failure to stop a senseless prosecution of a PTSD victim and my observations of people released by Chesa causing death and damage, I am voting YES on H.
Based on my personal experience of his failure to stop a senseless prosecution of a PTSD victim and my observations of people released by Chesa causing death and damage, I am voting YES on H.
There is a lot to like about Senator Kamela Harris, and I celebrate her selection as Joe Biden's running mate. She's an experienced office holder who has done well in contentious hearings in the Senate. Before going to Washington, Harris was a strong Attorney General for the State of California. And, before that she navigated the torturous San Francisco City political circus to become our first woman, first person-of-color District Attorney. She's bright, dedicated. And from my own personal experience she is focused on doing what's right instead of just what's politically beneficial. Kamela Harris photo by Mobilus In Mobili [...]
The California Democratic primary is only a week away, and I haven't decided who to vote for. And, you know what? I am happy about my indecision.
If I were a Senator, I would vote AGAINST confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I dislike the conservative judicial positions he holds, so I was a "NO" early on. Then, the way he handled the accusations of sexual assault, especially lying under oath about his drinking habits, disqualified him on a character level, in my opinion. Moreover, I believe Dr. Ford's account of what happened one afternoon 30-something years ago is accurate and that Brett Kavanaugh did what she said he did. I also suspect that he was blind drunk and does not remember the incident, or probably [...]
This week's uproar on separating children from their asylum-seeking parents unpleasantly confirms how far apart on basic morality we are in this country. To me, my Trump-approving friends ignore the imperative of the urgent human needs of the asylum seekers and their young children. Instead, they cite instances where Democrats years ago may have broken up families of asylum seekers. They mention that the government imprisons criminals with young children, thereby breaking up those families, so Trump's policies aren't new. It's great misdirection. First, even if the statements were accurate, the comments simply make the argument that two (or three [...]
I marched in the Pride Parade this week for the first time in many, many years. I needed to. Recent Pride festivals have been all celebration and parties. Great fun! And, a real spectacle for the just-arrived refugees and asylum seekers that my church has been helping settle in San Francisco. I loved showing off the Chief of Police marching in Pride to a man who was beaten by his hometown police just a few months ago. And, of course, the floats and marching contingents with scantily clad eye candy impress newcomers and jaded old men alike! I have watched [...]
Revolutions are caused by frustrated expectations. Not by grinding poverty or by evil oppression. Historically, people revolt and riot when their expectations are raised and reality doesn’t match what they expect. So, I worry about the United States in the Trump era. Blacks, Latinos, LGBT, Jews, Muslims, professional women, and other minority groups have become used to being treated with respect -- and maybe even deference -- by the government, corporations, and the press. They have come to expect society to deride prejudice. Claims of discrimination have been be weapons of shame. Over decades, Congress passed equality laws. Politicians damned bigotry. News [...]
Revolutions are caused by frustrated expectations. Not by grinding poverty or by evil oppression. Historically, people revolt and riot when their expectations are raised and reality doesn't match what they expect. So, I worry about the United States in the Trump era. This man has given iron-clad promises to do the impossible. He is guaranteeing border security and crime-free neighborhoods, well-paid manufacturing jobs, and a return to a time when everything was "Great". He is going to make the evil Federal Government smaller while simultaneously launching wide-spread construction projects for the country's transportation infrastructure. He's lowering taxes while increasing spending. He's [...]
When President Trump is inaugurated we will need appropriate music to mark the occasion. Considering the playlist for the day took me back to the rage, resistance, and riots in the 1960's and 70's. At that time the government routinely took great liberties with the truth, especially concerning the progress of the Vietnam War. The citizens -- especially us idealistic kids -- marched, protested, and sang. The country almost fell apart until the war ended and a decent man, Gerald Ford, became President. Trump's disregard for facts and the quickness to fight make me fear that the songs I came of [...]
Donald Trump successfully tricked America into talking about his recorded boasting about his sexual assaults as "locker room talk". He admits not being proud of his recorded language, but he's clear that to linger on the topic of his abuse of women would be giving in to political correctness. When I first heard Trump's comments, I honestly didn't think of locker room talk. Instead, I thought of crook's bragging caught on a hidden wire worn by a jail house cellmate who was hoping for a reduced sentence for his own misdeeds. Trump didn't just speculate about his future success with a particular woman [...]