Recall Chesa Boudin — Yes on H

San Francisco voters should recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin June 7th.

My disillusion with Chesa’s performance stems from his failure to live up to his progressive promises while at the same time failing to develop reasonable and effective standards for the implementation of his laudable goals.Yes on Recall PosterI have personal experience about his failure to prevent unnecessary aggressive prosecution of a Black man.

Chesa’s office would not divert or work with the public defender when one of our church’s gay refugee Guardian Group clients was arrested in a roommate dispute. I was not there as a witness but I understand that our guy froze up when the police arrived because he has PTSD from being beaten by cops in Africa. So the police heard only the roommate’s description of what happened and arrested our guy. Our guy is thin, not muscular, and really not physically threatening. Our guy had no criminal record. It was a “he said, he said” situation. Regardless, Cheasa’s staff would not drop the charges or work with the public defender to come to any resolution. The DA’s office — Chesa’s office — were going for a felony charge and over a period of weeks they would not budge.

Given the facts of the case and the refusal of Chea’s staff to be reasonable, the judge stepped in, ordered our guy to go to anger management, and then completely dismissed the charges and wiped the record.

Now if Chesa was really looking to help Black and other people who have been abused by the system, his people should have never even filed the charge. Society would NOT have been better off if our guy had been convicted of anything.

At the same time as he allowed an unreasonable prosecution Chesa has picked some truly awful and dangerous people to be lenient with. People who have caused death from violence and drug dealing have be set free.  It’s not just one or two mistakes, I ran across a page full of video stories of families of victims.

I like what I know about Chesa’s philosophy and his desire to give fairer justice and to prosecute wrong doing wherever it comes from. Divert the poor who got caught stealing food; throw the book at dirty cops.

The problem, and why I support recall, is that Chesa has no apparent consistent, effective standards that guide him or his staff. My mild, scared PTSD refugee was prosecuted while unrepentant crooks have been set free.

As the pro-recall campaign notes, “Almost half of San Francisco’s prosecutors have resigned from the District Attorney’s office in protest over Chesa Boudin’s mismanagement, threats to withhold evidence, decisions to hand down lenient sentences or not press charges, and release violent criminals early. Until we recall Chesa Boudin, more and more prosecutors will continue to leave. He can’t even do the job.”

Stop the Republican Recall poster
Unfortunately, those opposing recall are engaging in name calling to divert attention from the issue of Chesa’s performance. They’re saying it’s a “Republican recall.” I am no Republican. I will talk to recall opponents respectfully and we can exchange reasons for our positions. But, let’s talk and not call names.

Moreover, the numbers say that this recall effort is supported mainly by people other than Republicans. From the Yes on Recall campaign: “83% of our donors are Dem or NPP with over 80% of donations coming from local San Franciscans. Lifelong Democrats are leading this effort.”

No on H PosterNo on Recall door hanger

Opponents of recall also say that I should look at the police statistics for 2019 to 2020 for certain violent crimes that prove Chesa is combatting crime. I am truly glad that the number of recorded rapes, robberies and assaults declined year over year. But, carefully selected specific offense statistics culled from a pandemic year do not counterbalance what I see with my own eyes: car window glass littering streets, abandoned Walgreens, and too frequent news stories of maham caused by individuals Chesa has refused to prosecute and released. Moreover, according to the New York Post other crimes have increased “significantly in the city Boudin works for, with burglaries up 40% from pre-pandemic levels and homicides up almost 37%.” So, no. Crime statistics don’t support Chesa staying in office.

The final argument against recall is that recall itself is extreme and either should not be allowed ever or in Chesa’s case we should just wait for the next election. Well, I think there are times when recall is needed to correct an election outcome that was manipulated by campaign statements that were later found to be untrue. The law already provides for the removal of public officials convicted of a crime, but I believe citizens also need recourse when they vote for someone whose actions in office don’t match what they promised in a campaign or they otherwise endanger the community.

Someone suggested in Facebook comment that Chesa should not be removed mid term because of “buyer’s remorse”. That is not it at all.

I believe Chesa’s actual performance is office does not match the compassionate and equal justice outlook he promised. He has rhetoric but no clear, consistent, predictable path of intelligent action. He has disrupted the criminal justice system in San Francisco but he has not installed an effective, reliable set of alternative procedures. The result of his ideological approach to prosecution has resulted in deaths,  stores closing, and a high level of citizen anguish as their cars and other property have been stolen by organized crooks.

Every day Chesa stays in office increases the losses to San Franciscans.

Based on my personal experience of his failure to stop a senseless prosecution of a PTSD victim and my observations of the closing of stores because of unprosecuted theft, the stories of released people causing death, the disbanding of many task forces in the DA’s office, his failure to appropriate charge enhancements, and, and, and…
I am voting YES on H.

By |2022-06-02T11:20:36-07:00June 2, 2022|Politics, San Francisco, Social Justice|0 Comments

My Special Reason for Liking Kamela Harris

There is a lot to like about Senator Kamela Harris, and I celebrate her selection as Joe Biden’s running mate.

She’s an experienced office holder who has done well in contentious hearings in the Senate. Before going to Washington, Harris was a strong Attorney General for the State of California. And, before that she navigated the torturous San Francisco City political circus to become our first woman, first person-of-color District Attorney.

She’s bright, dedicated. And from my own personal experience she is focused on doing what’s right instead of just what’s politically beneficial.

Kamela Harris
Kamela Harris
photo by Mobilus In Mobili

My connection to Kamela is small and not personal. But, about 9 years ago I was impressed by her actions and judgement in her role as DA. I still am impressed by her.

Back in 2011, or maybe it was 2010, I served on the San Francisco Criminal Grand Juror for three months. We were presented cases by Deputy District Attorneys who wanted us to indict people instead of having them go through a preliminary hearing. Many of cases we heard involved suspects who were in mental hospitals, couldn’t help in their defense, and therefore had to be indicted instead of facing a preliminary hearing which they wouldn’t understand.

But, our biggest case, one that took weeks to learn about, was a case involving a gang that was preying on people in a low-income residential area of the city. For days we listened to testimony of police officers, lab techs, field techs, video techs, and others. We watched video and examined the cache of assault weapons used in crimes.

We saw a lot of different investigators from the DA’s office and from police task forces. Day after day we saw evidence of meticulous dedication to reigning in the terror that was controlling a part of the City. All of what we were shown and asked to review was professionally, painstakingly presented.

In the end we returned an indictment of over 100 counts for felonies ranging from drugs to weapons to murder.

I suppose there is nothing special about the behavior of the DA and the police. But, damn it, there was.

DA Harris spent tons of her office’s limited budget developing solid cases against criminals who were attacking poor people of color. There was no political benefit to Harris that would reward the use of her budget this way. The victims, if they voted, were certain to vote for Harris regardless of any work she did on their behalf. After all, she was an historic change in an office that had been a stronghold of white city politicians for forever.

But, Kamela not only devoted a lot of resources to this prosecution, she gave the case quality staff people. Details were investigated and clearly explained in court.

So, 9 or 10 years later, I am still saluting DA Kamela Harris for putting the right priority on her work. I was happy that the Grand Jury voted indictments years ago and I am happy to vote for Harris for Vice President in 2020.

Go Biden-Harris!

By |2020-08-12T12:39:20-07:00August 11, 2020|Politics, San Francisco|2 Comments

I’m Undecided

Donkeys Looking at you

The California Democratic primary is only a week away, and I haven’t decided who to vote for. I cannot remember ever not having settled on a candidate so close to an election.

And, you know what? I am happy about my indecision.

My Facebook feed is crowded with memes and links for one candidate or another. There are a lot of positive reasons going around to vote for each contender. Posts about their good proposals to improve the country, their high ratings on environmental issues, their high rankings on justice issues, their character, and just about every aspect of their life.

I like seeing the many reasons so many of the candidates have ardent supporters.

Of course, I have also seen negative slams and cautions about candidates who are not the favorite of the author. Some of these fail fact-checking and seem straight out of Russia. Others fault the targeted candidate by bringing up their 25-year-old recanted position on an issue or attack with regretful-sounding, supposedly intellectual, analysis the flaws of their victim… and seem straight out of Russia. I am definitely not happy seeing these anxious and holier-than-thou buzz kills.

But, I am truly happy about the praise for all the good characteristics, positions, and statements of so many of the candidates still in the race. I see unique positive points that argue I should cast my vote for (in no order) Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden, or Michael Bloomberg.


Kicking Donkey

I watched last week’s debate, and the TiVo is set up to record tomorrow’s. I want to see what remains consistent in each candidate, what evolves, what ideas are stressed, and how each person deals with the stress! Make no mistake, these are good humans working very hard to do what they think needs to be done for the country.

I know we are supposed to hate politicians, but look at the Democratic candidates. They are working very, very hard to come up with effective solutions and sell those solutions to a wary public. The candidates are living pretty disgusting lives right now, trying to kiss enough babies to seem likable, eat in coffee shops to show that they are as regular as you and me, and simultaneously come up with detailed, bullet-proof plans to solve the nation’s problems.

Wow. We don’t ask much.

And, frankly, the candidates I mentioned all seem to show the desired behavior.

So, yeah. I don’t know today what I’ll decide on election day. Or possibly I’ll choose earlier. Maybe I’ll have a break-through vision after the next debate or later in the week while on the elliptical at the gym.

But I want everyone to know that I am happy that there is no one obvious candidate to support this week. Moreover, I have not delayed my decision because every candidate has too many flaws and I am trying to divine who is the least bad one. No!

Blue Donkey

All are more moral, patriotic, and progressive than the current President. Each gives rational arguments and cites that facts I recognize as actual facts. And, each of the candidates has unique strengths which makes it difficult for me to choose among them.

I see the moderate group as being most likely to be able to end the vicious divide in the country. But, maybe not!

I see the progressive group as being most likely to rally younger and non-traditional voters. But, maybe not!

I like some of the progressive policies a lot. I like the successful background of some of the moderates a lot. I also like the moments of the Mid-West niceness a lot.

This is truly a happy dilemma. In some years it seemed there were no really fine people running. In 2020 we have a choice among talented, sincere, and White-House ready Americans.

And, y’all who have made up your mind are invited to tell me the positive reasons I should vote for your choice. Really!

By |2020-02-24T19:27:46-08:00February 24, 2020|Politics|0 Comments

Let Us Model Honorable Disagreement

If I were a Senator, I would vote AGAINST confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

I dislike the conservative judicial positions he holds, so I was a “NO” early on. Then, the way he handled the accusations of sexual assault, especially lying under oath about his drinking habits, disqualified him on a character level, in my opinion.

Moreover, I believe Dr. Ford’s account of what happened one afternoon 30-something years ago is accurate and that Brett Kavanaugh did what she said he did. I also suspect that he was blind drunk and does not remember the incident, or probably the gathering, or maybe even the week. There is no excuse for what he did, but it’s not clear to me that he lied about attacking anyone. It is clear from the chorus of his friends and classmates that he was a heavy, black-out drinker, and his sworn testimony to the contrary is either a lie or supreme self delusion. Either way, he doesn’t have the morals I want in a Supreme Court justice.

Preppy Man with a beer in front of the Flag

And, the YES Team’s work to confirm Kavanaugh has too often been an orchestrated shotgun assault of calculated anti-democratic, misogynistic, hyperbolic misstatements, and swarmy accusations and smears. I wish I believed in hell so I could take comfort that the deliberate flame throwers would eventually get what they deserve for their inflammatory actions.

Still, I do believe that principled Senators can rationalize themselves into voting for Kavanaugh. I listened to Senator Susan Collins’ speech today, and I believe her to be measured, honest, and worthy of respectful treatment.

In her statement, she said some unpleasant truths that, in my mind, give her some leeway to make bad judgment calls. For example, she mentioned how our left-wing advocacy groups opposed Kavanaugh’s nomination even before he was named. One group on our side apparently didn’t bother to edit their press release after Kavanaugh was named and  came out against President Trumps nominee “XX”. The blind opposition and rage of the left is not excusable, and I understand how it could push a moderate Republican like Collins into disbelieving anything bad that later comes up about the nominee.

I liked her careful thought process in trying to determine what in the Ford-Kavanaugh situation is knowable. I liked her use of logic, her defense of Senator Feinstein, and her coolness.

Senator Susan Collins

Senator Susan Collins

In short, Senator Collins was honorable and, in my opinion, deserves respectful treatment.

By “treatment”, of course, I do mean disagreement.

I expected Senator Collins to like Kavanaugh’s conservative outlook. But, to me, it’s very, very disappointing that Collins didn’t deal with Kavanaugh’s temperament.  In the supplemental hearing, Kavenagh acted too much like my alcoholic step-father for me to want him on the court. Collins never dealt with the fact that Kavanaugh was, and apparently still is, a drunk.

While Collins bemoaned the vehemence of the opposition to Kavanaugh, she apparently gave the nominee a pass on his anti-Clinton, anti-Democratic party rant. His initial righteous indignation that morphed into diagnosable paranoia didn’t bother her.

So, Collins based her decision on selective facts that I find far less compelling than the factors she left out of her equations. In my opinion, she’s wrong. She should be held accountable, that is, voted out of office. She failed to make the right decision in an important case.

I am all for helping an opponent of hers. She should be defeated at the polls as a reward for her narrow and bad selection of facts. She emphasized the inability to prove what Dr. Ford said happened 30+ years ago, and paid little or no emphasis on evaluating the character of the person the President nominated. She erred.

But, let us not suggest that Senator Collins acted out of bad intentions. Or, that this is pay back, pay forward, or anything quid pro quo-ish.

She should be voted out of office in two years, but not hounded in the meantime.

She made a terrible decision. Bad. Bad. Awful.

Dumb. Limited.

But, let us not doubt her motives. Not suggest that we know her soul (and decide that it’s impure). Not say that’s she’s anyone’s puppet (besides that is misogynistic in its own right).

Senator Collins is the kind of Republican I used always hate (politically) and vote against. Those Republicans would latch on to elite and pro-business arguments and ignore the middle- and working classes. Their positions on social and economic issues were bad for the country, in my opinion.  Now, let us tell Senator Collins how awful her position on Kavanaugh is.

But, we must also appreciate that Senator Susan Collins is a veteran of the Senator, a power, and a logical human being. She is doing something now that we disagree with. She has values some facts more than others that we value.

I wish I could convince the woman and have her vote NO. But, I also hope that we all will respect her in the morning…

By |2018-10-06T06:45:01-07:00October 5, 2018|Politics|1 Comment

Repeating Today’s Big Lie,
or Defending Sessions’ and Trump’s Policy Separating Families

This week’s uproar on separating children from their asylum-seeking parents unpleasantly confirms how far apart on basic morality we are in this country.

American Flag CagedTo me, my Trump-approving friends ignore the imperative of the urgent human needs of the asylum seekers and their young children. Instead, they cite instances where Democrats years ago may have broken up families of asylum seekers. They mention that the government imprisons criminals with young children, thereby breaking up those families, so Trump’s policies aren’t new.

It’s great misdirection. First, even if the statements were accurate, the comments simply make the argument that two (or three or 100) wrongs make a right. They don’t.

Second, the people Sessions and Trump are locking up are not “criminals” in any real-world definition of the word.

Calling families entering the United States “criminals” is a Big Lie. Repeat it often enough and your teammates will believe it. But it’s not true. At most these people fleeing to traditional safe haven of the US may have violated a misdemeanor entry provision by not following technical rules in presenting themselves for asylum at the right place. They are not dangerous or violent. Sessions and Trump are criminalizing ignorance of proper procedure. That tactic is immoral. Asylum seekers are not criminals.

And, the sudden separation of families along the border with no plan for reunification or visiting cannot be truthfully compared to the incarceration of criminals who are given due process. The children of those convicted of crime generally remain where they are, in a familiar location, in the care of other family members. And, they get a schedule of visits with their parents. All things Trump and Sessions are denying the already traumatized kids being taken from their parents.

Trump’s defenders have an arsenal of reassuring statements they throw against the wall of public opinion to see if they’ll stick. One of these non-fact assertions was the claim by the head of the Department of Homeland Security that the young detainees are being treated wonderfully by DHS. That happy assessment of the children’s situation fell apart when the Director couldn’t answer any questions about the details of the treatment of kids. She really didn’t know what she was talking about. She made up the reassurance. Her story of wonderful treatment was simply a Big Lie

This family separation issue has many Big Lies. For example, blaming Democrats for the separation even though Republicans control Congress and the separation policy was formulated by Sessions. Big Lie.

One friend’s posts spit out words like “liberal” and go into mind-numbing detail of “liberal” 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decisions from years ago. More rational-sounding stuff to throw against the wall. Will it stick?

The problem for Sessions, Trump, and those still loyal to whatever he says is that today the issue is separating kids from parents… parents whose worst crime would be trying to get their kids to safety.

Regardless of what Hillary did with her email and what mistakes Obama, Bill Clinton, or Lyndon Johnson made, we know that our Trump/Republican government TODAY is ripping apart scared, tired, frightened families. Separating husband and wife, mother and child, and father and baby.

What has this country come to stand for?

Statue of LibertyWhat happened to the America I was taught about in school? You know the one. The one that says, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”

What has this country come to stand for?

Has “Trump Ueber Alles” become our morality? Are HIS pronouncements more important that core human values? More important that the instructions of the Hebrew prophets, the words of Jesus, and the convictions of ethical humanists?

Trump’s technique is to say falsehoods over and over. His opinions. Accusations. Repeating his Big Lies.

Then, when enough people tire of a particular Lie, he says he was only kidding and Liberals have no sense of humor. That Trump way of admitting that he’s telling untruths is itself another Big Lie.

Besides, I don’t have a sense of humor when it comes to destroying the core values of America that I was brought up on. I don’t have a sense of humor about demonizing the weak and the powerless. I don’t have a sense of humor when it comes to another Big Lie.

I am not in the mood to play nice like Nancy Pelosi and intellectually and bloodlessly point out “discrepancies” between what Trump says and actual facts. It’s time to be as clear and direct as Mr. Trump.

Trump’s rational for separating families: a Big Lie. Trump’s assertion that winning a trade war is easy: a Big Lie. Trump’s declaration that we need not worry about a North Korean nuclear threat: a Big Lie. Trump’s claim that Iran was violating the multinational agreement: a Big Lie. Trump’s comments about the unfairness of the Mueller investigation: a Big Lie. Trump’s claim that the FBI probe cleared his campaign of colluding with the Russians: a Big Lie.

Big Lies are effective. They confuse people. They debase the power of facts.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to combat a White House that spins out lie after lie after lie. Some get retracted, but even so many Trump supporters always remember and believe the facts made up by Trump in a middle-of-the-night Twitter storm.

I respect my friends who have different policy views than I. I respect them as they honestly believe and repost the latest White House Big Lie. But, I worry. Are there limits to the what Trump and those in power around him will do?

Have they no decency? True traditional American decency?

By |2018-06-20T12:44:00-07:00June 20, 2018|philippic, Politics|0 Comments
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