Rock Hudson Died of Alzheimer’s

In a wildly incorrect statement, Hillary Clinton yesterday praised Nancy Reagan and her husband, President Ronald Reagan, for helping America de-stigmatize AIDS and its victims.  In an MSNBC interview, Clinton expressed appreciation to the Reagans:

It may be hard for your viewers to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about HIV/AIDS in the 1980s,” Clinton said. “And because of both President and Mrs. Reagan — in particular Mrs. Reagan –we started a national conversation.”

The fact is that the Reagans were not helpful in starting a national conversation. They were completely closed-mouth and unhelpful, even when their supposedly close friend from Hollywood, Rock Hudson, was dying of AIDS.  They refused to issue any public statement of support for Hudson.  They managed only to later say that they were sorry that he had died.

The Reagans were role models for keeping AIDS out of polite conversation, for branding AIDS as a gay disease, and for delaying a medical response to the virus.

I am not comfortable trashing public figures who pass away.  So, I have not posted or LIKED on social media the “Good riddance, Nancy” comments. We don’t need to do that type of postmortem battling, no matter how emotionally satisfying it may seem.

On the other hand, it’s too much to let Hillary Clinton’s erroneous praise of the Reagans pass. Clinton is very much alive, very much embraced by the Gay political establishment (including the corporate-friendly Human Rights Campaign), and very much putting herself out there as a consistent champion for equality.

No!  No, damn it, you are not my champion!

No person of Clinton’s age (which is about mine) who has any real connection with the fight for gay rights would ever, ever, ever, praise Nancy or Ronald Reagan for helping fight — or even talk about fighting — AIDS. Never.

For Clinton to “misspeak,” supposedly conflating the fight against AIDS with the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, is evidence to me that she has no true connection to the struggle of gay people.

Clinton's Statement on her praise of the Reagan's AIDS work

Clinton’s “misspeaking” about AIDS shows her total disassociation from my world.  It’s a truly horrific statement, and one that couldn’t possibly come from the lips or brain of anyone of our generation that was remotely involved in — or even aware — of gay rights.

You misspeak when you say you call your dogs by your child’s name.  You misspeak when you say you went to Rochester instead of Richmond. You do something else when you create noble actions for people who in real life fought against the nobility you’re now praising.

Saying the Reagans were helpful in fighting AIDS is a moral outrage.  It’s akin to praising President George W. Bush for his fast compassionate action in helping hurricane Katrina victims.  Or, lauding Michigan governor Rick Snyder for his quick and transparent handling of the lead in Flint water.  Saying things that are factually wrong and which pervert morality is more than just a misstatement.  It’s a divorce from reality.

I remember in 2008 when Clinton “misspoke” about being under sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia as First Lady.  I wondered then how someone could not remember accurately whether or not they being attacked by snipers.  What was Clinton’s commitment to the truth as opposed to her desire to deliver a good-feeling public statement?

And, now, eight years later, I wonder again about Clinton’s true understanding, memory, and beliefs?

Mrs. Clinton, how deep is your commitment to LGBT equality?  How understanding are you of my struggles?  Are you equally clueless about African Americans, Latinos, or non-Christian minorities in this country?

Mrs. Clinton, where is your true soul?

By |2016-03-13T16:02:21-07:00March 12, 2016|philippic, Politics|0 Comments

If You Like Donald Trump, You’ll Love Bernie Sanders

If you want a President who speaks straight-forwardly and without a focus-group filter you can vote for Donald Trump. But, I like Bernie Sanders’ soul better.  And, I think most Americans will like Bernie more, too.

In today’s 1%-take-all world, there is room for righteous anger like that displayed by Sanders. But, Trump-style self-righteous anger against people weaker (or simply more polite) than you is the behavior of a bully, not of a President.   Trump is fun to watch when his scorn is directed at a pompous politician, but watching it feels like guilty pleasure.  It’s like watching the smack down scenes in a low-rent reality show.

The fed-up Americans who enjoy Trump’s lack of a political correctness screen will like Bernie’s equal honesty.

Bernie clearly condemns policies and programs that further enrich the already rich, and he bluntly confronts those who support the skewing of the tax code to give even more to those who already have more.

On the other hand, Trump bellows so consistently and stupidly, I wonder how honest he actually is. How much of his blow-ups reflect what Trump actually believes? Or, is his outrageousness as calculated and disingenuous as is the mealy-mouthed non-answers of his competitors on the Republican stage?

Ranting and raving is natural for teenagers as they discover that only they have the answers to the world’s problems.  Why are Mom and Dad and other adults so stupid?

Trump has an endless supply of teenage intolerance, but his wrath is thoughtless and set off more like a canister of poison gas in a movie theater.

Bernie gets angry at injustice and the people who attempt to defend indefensible inequality.  But, even then he’s civil and careful.  He has declined to attack Hillary Clinton’s character, and instead wants to talk about policies and positions.

Donald Trump is a destructive Bezerker.  I hope his supporters will decide that they want to support another honest, no-nonsense man who wants to build up the country and not just destroy.

By |2015-08-09T10:54:28-07:00August 9, 2015|Politics|0 Comments

Climate Change Denial, Vaccine Scares, and Support of Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to make the support of Israel (really the policies of his current government of Israel) a partisan issue in the US is beyond unwise. By accepting Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address Congress without even notifying the President of the United States, Netanyahu has ended decades of bipartisan support for Israel.

It’s a terrible decision for Israel. His appearance violates diplomatic protocol, if you care about those things (I do).  But, even if you’re a scorched-earth, no-manners political Luddite, accepting an invitation that slaps that face of the President, of the Democratic party, and of Americans who have read the Constitution, has only practical downsides.

The traditional near-universal support for Israel is dead the moment Netanyahu opens his mouth in Congress.   After Speaker Boehner welcomes him and the rabid Right applauds the stunning disrespect to President Obama that Netanyahu’s appearance personifies, Israel will have become just another example of Republican ill-thought-out positions. It’s going to be so easy to lump together climate change denial, vaccine fear mongering, and support of Israel.

Netanyahu’s open alliance with the Republicans who are pushing for US military action in the endless wars of the Middle East taints all backing of Israel. Netanyahu, like his Republican friends, is an advocate of force, force, and more force. Israel’s current government doesn’t want the United States talking to Iran.  They want America to mount a military attack as our first response.

The United States has a strong interest in preventing Iran from building nuclear bombs. But, we also have a legitimate interest in avoiding troop deployments, foreign quagmires,  and the collateral deaths of civilians. It is not in our interest to go to war simply because Netanyahu thinks we should.

Love Israel Banner with Star and Slogan
Frankly, Netanyahu’s alignment with the Republicans undercuts any pleas for support that he or future Prime Ministers will make.  Quite simply, Netanyahu is a foreign politician so self-righteous and disrespectful of American democracy that he is calling into question the civic morality of the nation he leads.

About the only way out I see right now is for Netanyahu to suddenly catch the flu and decide he cannot make the trip after all.  Because if he does speak in Washington, that act will reset American-Israeli relations. The new relationship will be more logical, distant, and cooler.  It will not be a good change for Israel.

By |2015-02-04T16:45:35-08:00February 4, 2015|Politics|0 Comments

Prop A Proponents Send Out Untrue Mailer

Gawd I am tired of the pile of slick sheets in my mailbox!

These mailers are touchable evidence about how much money is being spent on elections.  The local assembly candidates are spending enough money to fund a research initiative to end cancer.  The real estate industry is pumping money into the No on G (25% transfer tax) campaign, and the soft drink manufacturers are sweetening printers income with a blizzard of No on E (the soda tax) four-color cards.

The flier that caught my eye yesterday was the one that validates my opposition to Prop A, the “fix MUNI” bond issue.  As I posted before (see Stop Robbing MUNI and $500 Million for Bike Lanes. $0 for MUNI), the bond doesn’t allocate any money for MUNI.  MUNI is one of a list of possible recipients of the bond money.   Other claimants on the bond money are bike lanes, street-narrowing projects, and other politically charged — but non-MUNI — initiatives.

But, beyond the truth-bending assertion Prop A will make MUNI more reliable is the absolutely untrue statement that the MUNI magic will be done “without raising taxes”.

  • Prop A requires a 66 1/3% affirmative vote to pass. That super-majority is required by state law for tax increases.  If Prop A did not increase taxes, it would only require a simple majority.
  • The City Controller’s Statement on Prop A in the official ballot book says, “… the highest estimated annual property tax cost for these bonds for the owner of a home with an assessed value of $500,00 would be approximately $91.02.”  A $90 a year tax increase sounds like “raising taxes” to me.

Just because a statement is printed (or on the Internet) doesn’t make it true.  Vote NO on A!

False information in a Prop A Flier -- VOTE NO ON A

By |2014-11-01T11:34:02-07:00November 1, 2014|Politics|0 Comments

$500 Million for Bike Lanes. $0 for MUNI

Prop A is being promoted as providing some of the money that MUNI desperately needs to recover from years of deferred maintenance and underfunding.  It turns out that NO money in the bond issue is reserved for fixing MUNI.

Instead, the ballot ordinance offers a laundry list of “transit and road improvements” but doesn’t guarantee any money to any of them. (Check out the details in the official city ordinance).

The legal language says “Projects to be funded under the proposed Bon may include but are not limited to the following:…”  Then there’s list of goodies which includes the opportunity to spend money to “Build streets that enable safe travel for all users and provide safer, well-defined bikeways.”

So while people think that they are authorizing bond money to fix MUNI, they may only be getting more and more and more bike lanes.  $500 million is a lot of bike lanes, but I know some people think you can never have enough.

I want the City to give me a simple proposal to fund MUNI.  I don’t want to fund a smorgasbord of causes that appeal to a coalition self-serving and self-righteous special causes.

Vote NO on A!

$500 Million for Bike Lanes. $0 for MUNI.

By |2014-10-30T17:45:36-07:00October 30, 2014|Politics|0 Comments
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