Day 134 – The Final Puppy Shots!

By |2019-03-08T17:09:31-08:00February 4, 2019|dachshunds, Uncategorized|

Finally! Ever since Auroara (aka then as MUNI) started venturing out of the whelping box on to the floor where people stepped, we have been taking off our street shoes at the door. And, washing our hands before petting her. Puppies are not immune to many serious viruses that are Out There. They need a series of shots and booster shots against common illnesses. Parvo is the disease the vets are most worried about, but there is distemper, canine influenza, kennel cough, leptospirosis, and other nasty bugs out there. So, we've kept our shoes off and asked visitors to de-shoe [...]

Day 92 — Christmas Eve

By |2018-12-31T19:34:24-08:00December 24, 2018|Uncategorized|

The girls continue to be uncomfortable with the disruption of additional beings in the house. Zenith is quick to launch into a major alert whenever she hears any movement from non-Ozdachs, and the activity level remains high. Even Aurora seems to need recharging more often... like in this picture! The humans spent the morning going to the Cliff House for breakfast and then collecting turkey and desert from Noe Valley stores. Galen then made his cranberry sauce and did other pre-Christmas preparations before the humans went to the candlelight service. Tony the Heathen avoided the church service and gave the [...]

Day 91 – Still in an Uproar

By |2018-12-31T10:51:44-08:00December 23, 2018|Uncategorized|

Well, maybe not an uproar, but the Force is definitely disturbed by the non-pack canine in the house... to say nothing of dealing with his owner! Lots of to'ing and fro'ing, with Aurora generally in the middle of the watching pack. She's careful to have protection all around her. All pack members were especially interested in getting reassured by their dads. Here's the 2:30 afternoon shot with the girls helping Geoffrey check on the last-minute package deliveries.

Day 88 – More Quality Outdoor Time!

By |2018-12-30T09:53:18-08:00December 20, 2018|Uncategorized|

Today is definitely a day to play outside! ... and to take pictures of the puppy! Under the tutelage of Aunt Apex, Aurora first experimented with a puppy-sized ball. She sniffed it, and was amused. Apex gives Aurora the Ball But Aurora's real passion remains gardening. Or, maybe it's hunting truffles Aurora Digging In She's focused and determined! In the afternoon Aurora practiced looking composed and regal in the back doorway. Aurora Relaxing in the Doorway Of course, it is difficult to look too professional when you have sticks coming out of your mouth. Relaxing with a Snack a reminder ... In [...]

How to Pay a Lot for a Special Neighborhood and Then Make Sure You Don’t Get It

By |2014-10-01T08:34:07-07:00October 1, 2014|Uncategorized|

I’ve been watching with morbid fascination the pace of construction and renovation going on in our Noe Valley neighborhood. Building crews claim street lanes and parking spots. Debris boxes and temporary no parking signs are featured on every block. I know that a lot of the activity in our Noe Valley neighborhood is caused by its friendly, diverse feel to potential buyers. We have kids, LGBT couples, and LGBT couples with kids.   We have straight families, too!  And, we all get to enjoy high walkability scores and four MUNI lines within blocks of our home. People want to live here. [...]

My tweets

By |2014-03-25T12:02:00-07:00March 25, 2014|twitter, Uncategorized|

Mon, 14:55: Folks who ask me for computer help: this is NOT a Drill! If you're still running XP, upgrade or unplug by April 8. Mon, 18:22: Mondays are for date night and the best Manhattans in The City. (@ Eureka Restaurant & Lounge) on #Yelp Mon, 18:24: Come before. 7 Sun- Thu for happy hour. (@ Eureka Restaurant & Lounge) on #Yelp

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