Geoffrey Blowing on Metro to Keep Him Warm Prior to Feeding

Geoffrey Blowing on Metro to Keep Him Warm Prior to Feeding

At the instructions of our regular vet, we went out and bought puppy nipples and bottles from Petco after her 10:30 visit. The formula Dr. Cain recommends was fine, but the delivery mechanisms we’d acquired were too large for dachshund puppies!

Our SF vet, Dr. Jill Chase, returned to our house at 2:30 to help us give Metro his first bottle feeding.

One part formula, two parts warm water, stir, mix, put in the bottle and feed. Pretty straight forward… unless you’ve never done it before, the puppy needing food is your two-day old, and the nipple won’t cooperate and accept a pin prick!

Geoffrey Holding Metro for Bottle Feeding by Dr. Jill Chase

Geoffrey Holding Metro for Bottle Feeding by Dr. Jill Chase

But, those  obstacles were overcome, and the bottle found its way into Metro’s mouth a little after 3 pm.

The good news is:

  • He started sucking the bottle
  • He ate/drank about an ounce of formula
Geoffrey Holding Metro at the Bottle Feeding

Geoffrey Holding Metro at the Bottle Feeding

So, we try more between 6:15 and 7:15.  That feeding won’t be so visually recorded, though, as there will be no spare hands for the camera.

Metro did well with the bottle. We are hopeful that he’ll start transferring his sucking skills to Mom once he gets the hang of it on the bottle.