We returned from vacation and discovered that one of  San Francisco’s squaredance clubs is starting up a beginning class.  What fun!

Foggy City Dancers Free Introductory Session

The Foggy City Dancers’ free introductory session is this Tuesday.  (At 3435 Cesar Chavez, #204.)  Folks are invited to just show up.

Squaredancing is where redozdachs and I met people who have been friends for many years. Oh, yeah… we met each other through squaredancing, too!

Foggy City is a gay/lesbian squaredance club, but all interested people are welcome.  Unlike traditional clubs, Foggy City welcomes single dancers — you don’t have to come with a partner.  And, the pace and energy is faster and hotter than the word “squaredancing” conjures up.

Come on Tuesday… or, send me a note if you’d like more information before showing up.