Rather than simply posting the Theatre Rhino fundraising letter and putting a text link to it, I decided to have some fun today.
Too smutty? Will it make you stop and send them a check?
Your Dollars on (Legal) Steroids
Winter Fund Drive
Directed by John Fisher
Starring Your Muscular Dollar
Legal Strength Enhancing by the City of San Francisco
The City of San Francisco has told Theatre Rhino that a long-standing debt of $100,000.00 (accrued in 1990 for a state-of-the-art sprinkler system) will be forgiven if The Rhino can pay off a token sum of $17,000 by December 31, 2006.
Your donation to The Rhino for this effort gets beefed up more than 5 times. Men! Women! Your booty can grow 5.882 times bigger in the time it takes to sign a check!
Make your most of your muscular dollars by donating now. Send a check to Theatre Rhino, 2926 – 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Do it today and enjoy your larger gift tonight.
Read the details in our Winter Appeal letter (web page)
Read the details in our Winter Appeal letter (pdf file)
See the original at www.therhino.org.
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