We were on highway 505 when Geoff flipped radio stations and heard Senator Clinton move to nominate Senator Obama by acclimation
Nancy Pelosi did a quick voice vote and announced that the motion passed.
We have a black man, a man younger than I, as major party candidate for President.
Good thing Geoff was driving ’cause it’s hard to see through tears…. even when they are tears of joy.
We were on highway 505 when Geoff flipped radio stations and heard Senator Clinton move nominate Senator Obama by acclimation
That was a classy step for her to take, I think, after such a hard-fought race between the two of them.
Yes, it was classy. So was her speech last night.
The Democrats had several very good candidates. I would happily vote for many of them for President.
I don’t think having a hard-fought primary means division. It shows the strength of the liberal politicians who are ready and able to lead.
I’m ready.