A business associate of redozdachs mentioned that she was getting new clients because of favorable reviews in Yelp! So, as redozdachs‘s PR person, I decided I needed to check out the site.
In a typical Internet free-association foray (like the ones where you start off looking for your Congresswoman’s web page and you wind up reading about yak breeding in New Zealand), I spent several hours on Yelp reading and writing about San Francisco businesses and organizations.
I started off looking for an alternative to Wolf’s camera. I found a couple stores to check out, and then, of course, I had to add a version of my Wolf warning posted here to the Yelp. One thing led to another, and soon I was howling with the online pack.
Of course, Yelp is another online community where the average age looks to be decades younger than I. I sniffed with disdain particularly loudly over the comment about John Barleycorn having drawn an “older, okay-WAY older crowd”. Most recently, the reviewer crowed, “… the company was much more age-appropriate than ever before.”
Grrrrr! Young whipper-snapper!
Yelp made for a couple hours of interesting reading and it looks like a good place to check for local businesses.
And, if you want to write a 5-star review for redozdachs‘s CPA firm, go Yelp!
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