Day 76 — Terrible Twos and Showing Off
The day didn’t start off well. Apparently the terrible twos have struck Aurora.
This morning she didn’t want to do doggie things in the yard and kept trying to run up the stairs. I had to close the back door and block her path with my feet. Then she decided that she would shy away and not “Come” to me when called. She had been doing a great job leaping to the offered treat, but not this morning.
So, she had crate time and temper tantrums. Sigh.
But, the morning lit up with visitors!
We were delighted that Aurora’s dad’s (Abel’s) owner came to visit with dachshund guru Mary Nie.
We enjoyed the comparison stories and pictures of what Abel was like at 10 weeks. Wendy says Abel was bigger than Aurora is, and he is only 14 pounds as an adult. So, maybe she’ll be a miniature after all… Naw! I don’t believe it!
Mary gave Aurora her first stacking and assessment by a dog show professional.
Aurora settled on to the show table pretty quickly. Probably because she really enjoyed the attention!
Aurora is a natural in dealing with paparazzi.
We were pleased with the compliments that Aurora was given, and very much enjoyed the visit. Wendy gave Aurora a good-bye pet, and then it was puppy nap time.
It was a short nap, though, as Aurora had another visitor about 11:30 in the morning.
This was enough excitement for the day, though. The rest of the day was nap, play, eat, play, and nap. Nothing that got the camera’s attention!