Day 57 — Introducing Aurora

Most dogs  have at least two names: the name they get when they are at the breeders with their siblings and then the name they are called by when they go to their permanent homes. Purebred dogs registered with the American Kennel Club are given an additional name, their registered name.

We gave Zenith’s newborns puppy names of “MUNI” and “Metro”. (Unfortunately Metro died the first week.) And, now at 8 weeks MUNI is old enough to have a permanent home and a new name.

Her permanent home is going to be with the Ozdachs pack! So, we get to give her a “call” name and a registered name.

Aurora is puppy MUNI’s call name.  This name was originally suggested by a friend as a potential name for Apex or Zenith, but those two names played off each other too well.

Aurora is the name our girl will [eventually] answer to. It’s what we’ll call at home and even in the show ring. In fact, we cannot call her by her registered name in the ring, because if we did, the judge could know the reputation of the bitch in front of him and might be prejudiced to award points to her because of her famousness and not because she was looking and behaving fantastically in the ring.

So, to the AKC, Aurora will be known as Ozdachs Celestial Princess of Oz.

Aurora herself is pretty nonplussed about the naming business. And, she never seriously considered moving away from home.  She does react well to being called “Aurororororor-grrrr-ora”, though.

In addition to getting a new name today, Aurora had her second car ride (the first was on the way back from the C-Section) and her first visit to the vet. For her first round of shots, Dr. Chase made a house call because we wanted to avoid being in a place where dogs with potentially communicable diseases had been. We were willing assume the slight risk of transmission today since MUNI Aurora had some immunity from shot #1… plus, we made sure we had the first appointment of the day.

Dr. Chase was very complimentary about Aurora’s personality! And, she’s healthy, too!

Dr. Chase Meets Aurora in the Veterinary Office

Dr. Chase Meets Aurora in the Veterinary Office

Once again Aurora showed no reaction to the vaccination (no lepto vaccine tried, yet, though). She was her normal playful self when back home.

She did discover a so-far insurmountable frustration. When we all go into the back yard, the older dogs can abandon her! How do they scale these things, anyway?

Day 57 -- Aurora on the Stairs

Day 57 — Aurora’s Insurmountable (for today) Frustration: Stairs

By |2018-11-24T19:54:54-08:00November 19, 2018|dachshunds|1 Comment

Day 55 — Day of the Snake

MUNI liked having another human around today to help her enjoy her current play toy favorite, the snake!

Apex and MUNI Share Snake Destruction Duties

Apex and MUNI Share Snake Destruction Duties

MUNI, in her role as deputy play machine, is fearless in competing with the #1 player, Apex. MUNI will fight for the same toy and do at least her share of growling!

Apex and MUNI Play Snake

Apex and MUNI Play Snake

But, it isn’t all Sturm and Drang in her life. The day was nice (if smokey) and MUNI continues to enjoy early afternoon outdoor dining with her mother.

Day 55 -- More Outdoor Dining

More Outdoor Dining

But, after lunch and an afternoon nap, MUNI puts the snake back on the agenda.  She’s grateful that there were two humans around today so that one could hold the snake while she posed for the other dad with the camera.

Day 55 -- Snake for One

Day 55 — Snake for One

Just as long as we keep dangling the snake, she’s up for playing!

Day 55 -- Dangling the Snake

Day 55 — Dangling the Snake

By |2018-11-23T16:21:32-08:00November 17, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 54 — Taking on the Adults

MUNI started off the day at a fiesty 3 pounds, 13 ounces, up 2 ounces from just yesterday. Well, maybe her weight isn’t necessarily feisty, but everything else abut her is turning out that way.

It’s a good thing!

Day 54 -- MUNI Challenges the world from the whelping box.

Day 54 — Woof! or Grrr!!!

She’s playing hard three or four times a day. Her sessions are pretty aggressive, fearlessly playing with any adult, canine or human. If she had litter mates we probably wouldn’t find her attacks on them so fierce, but watching her pose and “Grrr!” at her mother, aunt, grandmother, or Paris is a kick.

The adults for the most part are happy to have her around… we think. Zenith frequently — and Apex sometimes — will parry MUNI’s attacks with chasing moves. Apex has also seemed to roll the ball in MUNI’s direction… sometimes.  Other times Apex is horrified that the puppy has started gnawing the ball that Apex had brought to a daddy for throwing.

Things to work out!

Day 54 -- Determination

Day 54 — Determination

By |2018-11-23T10:00:47-08:00November 16, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 52 — Manifest Destiny

Weekdays tend to be busy for the humans. Playing with MUNI always happens, but grabbing a camera to capture a cute moment (or two or two hundred) sometimes gets overlooked.

Today MUNI showed fearlessness in following the adults out of the kitchen and romping into the back hallway. We were kept busy watching her, encouraging her, and warning her away from things like wires.  Very cute. And, happily exhausting.

We had an opportunity to take photos only one time.  The puppy was slowed down at the gate — she had to attack her long-suffering mother.

MUNI attacks Zenith in the Back Hall

Day 52 — Expanding Our World. MUNI attacks Zenith in a romp in the back hallway.

And, now I have to confess… there is not picture for Day 53. Not a formal picture or even an iPhone snapshot. Come back and tune in on Friday.

By |2018-11-21T16:35:14-08:00November 14, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 51 — Gone in 1/60th of a Second

Today I learned that MUNI is faster that a speeding flash camera! She loves the morning play session with the pack, While the adults focus on food or something a human is doing, MUNI bounces around the kitchen, biting tails, legs, ears, and necks.

The photos snapped with a shutter speed of 1/60th of a second captured most of MUNI’s play.

Day 51 - The Fast-Moving Puppy

Day 51 – The Fast-Moving Puppy

Unfortunately, her tail, legs, and ears are moving so fast that they look like they belong on a ghost!

When she catches up with Mom, she’s vicious!

Day 51 - MUNI the Ferocious

Day 51 – MUNI the Ferocious

But, Mom doesn’t mind. As you can see Zenith’s tail is wagging fast enough to be the ghost in this photo.

Of course, Mom is probably wagging the tail as part of her begging routine. Her people-pleasing style is transparent… and adorable.



By |2018-11-23T14:16:27-08:00November 13, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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