Day 10 — Peaceful Growth
It’s nice to post predictable puppy progress. We are all happy with a few days of quiet normality!
MUNI skipped the 14 oz level and showed up in the scale at 15.38 oz this morning! Good, steady gain.
I dug out our guides and confirmed that I need to put away the flash for a while. MUNI’s eyes should be opening any time now, and a bright flash could injure a young eye.
So, please forgive the photos for a while. They’re going to be grainy (because of the fast ISO we need for low light), with a small area of focus (because of the aperture setting for the dim light), and possible have movement (because of the longer shutter speeds for the light).
Still, I think MUNI’s adorableness will come through.
Zenith is getting her digestion under control, agreeing to eat boiled chicken and egg, but foregoing the cottage cheese. She’ll be offered rice at dinner with the chicken, too. But, who knows if that will meet with her approval.
MUNI is moving some on her own and is taking some of her naps a few inches away from mom in the box.
There are a few rose-colored glasses online sites that say the first three week’s of a puppy’s life are the easiest because the mother does all the real work. It’s nice to have a few days where these cock-eyed optimists are correct!