Day 127 – Auroara Goes Down

Geoffrey did it! He got Auroara to go down all five steps to the back yard!

Up until about noon today, Auroara would willingly only jump down one step to the back door landing. Then she’d fuss and bark to get lifted up, held, and moved down to the ground.

This past week, I started lifting her down one more step from the top. She’d be scared and completely stiff. I’d do it again, and she would loosen a little, look at the final stair and the waiting ground. She’d often take that two-step adventure on her own, although a few times she was too tense and had to be lifted down to the final stair from which she could step to the ground.

Today, Geoffrey decided it was time to completely end the Sanctuary of the Back Yard for Apex and the other adults. He was going to show Aurora how to get down the stairs anytime she wanted.

While I was at church, Geoffrey made the pack all go outside. He had Aurora watch all the adults go down the stairs. Then he helped her down to the ground, one step at a time. He repeated the exercise a few times.

When Geoffrey stopped taking her down the steps, Auroara studied the stairs. Then, when Geoffrey went inside, she decided to try out the stairs with no audience. He says he had to sneak up behind her to watch, but she went down all the stairs by herself!

Auroara Goes Down the Stairs by Herself

When I returned home mid afternoon, Auroara was running up the steps and, with proper encouragement, going down them carefully, but decisively.

She can now go out and come in the house on her own schedule. Unsupervised.

Already our back hall has more plant and stick detritus from the back yard forays.

Another milestone toward adulthood!

By |2019-01-28T14:31:40-08:00January 27, 2019|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 85 — Monday Visitor Tries to Get Her to Go Down!

Aurora had another visitor today, even though it was a work day!

Aurora’s visitor was confident that with a little encouragement she’d decide that she could go down the stairs and not just run up them.

Aurora and Apex just inside the back door while a visitor holds a treat, trying to tempt Aurora to come down the first stair
Temping Aurora to Come Down the Stairs

He was encouraging and persistent. But, she wasn’t having it. Those steps look too tall going down!

The rest of the pack was bored by all the attention the puppy was getting when she wasn’t even doing a simple thing like walking down the stairs. Here are Apex (yawing) and Zenith (mugging) after Aurora has backed off into the hallway rather than coming down the steps.

The encouragement was warm and Aurora appreciated the attention.

Aurora being held and cuddled by her visitor
Aurora and Her Visitor Mugging for the Camera

By |2018-12-29T16:46:50-08:00December 17, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 75 – Variable Speed

We are still dealing with yesterday’s mastery of the up-staircase by Aurora. It’s cute, but it’s also a pain.

She is enjoying being able to cut short the sessions outside where she is told to do her doggy things.  Well, she’d like to cut these sessions short by running up the stairs and going inside. We’ve started closing the backdoor when we go out. Sigh!

The fun part for the humans is watching Aurora’s different approaches to the recently conquered stairs. Sometimes she struggle to pull herself up one step at a time. Other time she bounds all the way up. Why struggle and then bound? Hmmm?!!!

The humans themselves had a busy day! Paris had an ultrasound so we had to take her to the vet’s office at 8:45 and pick her up at 4. Geoff’s office had its holiday party, and Galen got to talk to a judge (but not for himself!). Fortunately, Uncle Tony came over and helped the pack mid-day.

Today’s picture came after the humans had unwound and were happy to supervise the play session in the backyard

Aurora playing with a plant in the backyard.

Day 75 — Eating is Playing, Says Aurora





By |2018-12-08T19:16:44-08:00December 7, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 74 – Morning Accomplishments

Well, it happened.

About 5:45 this morning, I had taken Aurora out for her housetraining. She told me several times that she was fine and didn’t need to go out.

A couple times she turned away from the backyard and went up the four stairs she’d just mastered yesterday evening just to show me how done she was with the backyard. She’d try to reach the pack members just inside who were taunting her with how comfortable they were inside. Each time I went up to the landing and brought her back into a spot where previous biological activities had taken place.

She finally produced, and I let her run up the stairs to go back inside to join the other pack members. Her lightened state apparently enabled her to jump up the final step.

Yep. She made it all the way up the stairs into the house on her own. An accomplishment!

Crud! We aren’t safe any more!

I didn’t expect that the final step would be overcome so quickly!

We celebrated briefly, and then the whole pack went to sleep with Geoffrey while I went off to the gym. Later I did have the camera ready for the mid-morning playful attack of the agapantha roots.

Aurora dining on agapantha roots

Day 74 — Celebrating with a bit of Agapantha Root



By |2018-12-08T18:59:41-08:00December 6, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments

Day 73 — Four Steps at a Time

The big development of the day occurred late, out of the range of any camera. Aurora made it up four steps from the backyard to the landing tonight!

True, she made her way up the steps to end the tedious patrol of the backyard I was insisting on because I wanted her to “Go do doggie things.” She insisted that she had no biological needs, and I had been insisting that she needed get in touch with her own body.

Instead, she turned toward the stairs and slowly, with great effort, climbed all of them to the top of the landing. There she sniffed around after gauging that the big step inside was beyond her strength.

When I lifted her back down to the yard to “Do doggie things!” she would have none if it. This time she went up the stairs to the landing at a pretty good clip.

I gave up (and saw no biological punishment from Aurora) after the third time she went up the stairs. This time I helped her over the big step, and she went bounding inside.

Unfortunately, today’s picture of mother and daughter simultaneously clamped on the tennis ball doesn’t capture the momentous progress of the day. But, I think it’s still a cute look!

Zenith and Aurora dispute ownership of the yellow tennis ball

Day 73 — MY Ball!

By |2018-12-08T18:34:15-08:00December 5, 2018|dachshunds|0 Comments
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