Day 49 — Developing a Personality and Fitting In

At the end of her 6th week, MUNI is definitely becoming more than a cute blob!

She started the day looking for playmates. She’s willing to share her toys!

Day 49 - Toys for the Morning Romp

Day 49 – Toys for the Morning Romp

Mother Zenith has always been comfortable nosing MUNI around and reacting to her taunts. Now SeQueL is getting into the act.

Day 49 - Just one of the Girls

Day 49 – Just one of the Girls

Day 49 -- Who's Biting Whom?

Day 49 — Who’s Biting Whom?

Remember to click on any blog photo for a larger and clearer version!

Apex will approach the playing MUNI and wag her tail a bit. And, they get along fine on the TV room bed. But, Apex is a little reluctant to tackle the snarling, teeth-gnashing baby.
That’s okay, we think. All the adults are caregivers and interested in MUNI’s development, it seems.

Meanwhile, MUNI has discovered that her whelping box has two floors.

Day 49 -- Second Storey Job

Day 49 — Second Storey Job

Day 49 -- Moving Upstairs

Day 49 — Moving Upstairs

MUNI even figured out that the balcony view let her keep closer track of her daddies in the front room!

Day 49 -- Looking into the Living Room from a Good Vantage Point

Day 49 — Looking into the Living Room from a Good Vantage Point