I always shake my head in wonder about the folks who do civil disobedience in San Francisco, annoying their allies by blocking traffic or otherwise inconveniencing people who already support their cause. I doubt that isolated, lukewarm San Francisco liberal civil disobedience works very often, anyway. And, why disrupt the lives of people already honking their horns at you in support? It is simply nut-cake crazy to take your frustrations, however legitimate, out on your friends. You’ll annoy them and maybe turn them against you.

And, yet I felt good today hearing my minister talk on the local Air America station (KKGN AM 960) about his arrest Saturday for blocking the Market and Laguna ramps for Highway 101 in public protest against Prop 8. Good to see a vintage civil rights tactic used in this civil rights battle, I thought. Good to see a minister standing up on the correct side of this issue.

It’s still nut-cake crazy. I guess I like cashews.