Wish Upon a Thar Convention logoThanks to fuzzygruf for mentioning his difficulty getting a hotel room for this year’s squaredancing convention in Anaheim. After reading his warnings, we snagged rooms this morning for June 28 through July 4th. Already some of the dates available when fuzzygruf called yesterday were gone (June 26 and 27th).

When Hollis tried the 800-number (800 228-9290) this afternoon, the 28th and 29th were not available except at the rack rate of $450/night. They also were booked on the website. Hollis wound up calling the hotel directly and prevailing on them to give her the convention rate of $112 for all nights… but, she is a very determined and savvy person who gets deals mere mortals are unable to arrange.

The convention committee is working to get more rooms into the discount block,  but it sounds like they’re having a hassle.

My recommendation is to book early, and keep checking the 800 number and the website if you get told the convention block is full.