Holiday Fair at the 1st Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

When LJ stops offering a “Previous” link on your friends page and the skip count is well over 200, it’s an indication of either a long third-world vacation or a busy schedule. Unfortunately, there’s been no travel.

Two Christmases ago I started blogging for the chance to write on a regular basis.  Fun writing. Not the words for the newsletters I edit,  marketing pieces I put out, or web copy I create. 

But, since LJ is fun stuff and I am from Puritan stock, the blogging has been pushed back and back!  Even reading and commenting on friends’ posts has been rationed.

Let’s see if I can carry out my resolve and re-give myself a holiday gift of a few minutes a day to rant and rave.  Maybe not every day, only those days when ranting and raving are appropriate!

Today, no rants. My fun computer time has been happy employed in posting pictures of my church’s holiday fair. Cute kids and smiling friends. No pictures of cute small animals, but I pretty much covered the other adorable bases.